Whoa! I know it has been far too long since my last post, but no worries I'm back! Well as you can see from the title of this post that I am going to be talking about RX or perscritption drug advertisments. First of all, what it the point in taking them? Do you hear all the side effects and most of the time it's not even limited to those effects. I really doesn't seem worth it. For example...Birth control sure it keeps you from getting preggers, but only like 99% of the time, which is total bull crap..just saying. The side effects, stroke, heart attack, blood clots, nausea...etc..seriously not worth it. You can really take any Rx Ad and figure the same thing, depression, asthma,COPD,ADD, ADHD, Diabetes, RLS(Restless Leg Syndrome), Hair growth, Anxiety, Sleep Aides, Perventative perscriptions, etc. I will admit that SOME people have these and SOME of these are legit Diseases or whatever you would like to call them, but it seems to me that anything these days is consider some type of new disease. About the Ads, they are only shown fo those Hypochondriacs. The watch them and are like oh my gosh I probably have that and then they go to the doctor and ask for the RX. People like me, I watch them and am like just get back to my show thanks! If you are sick or have a problem you would just go to the doctor..right? You don't need someone to put the idea in your head, but I guess that is how they are making all their money. You could even apply this same concept to the T.V. series, House, Greys Anatomy, and E.R. Some could watch it and be like I ave pain there or I feel just like that person and then they go to the hopsital and tell the Doctor exaclty whats wrong and how to fix it. So really If you're a hypochondriac I would stay away from T.V. You are a major target...ok well I think that is all have to say about this...:)
so basically Mom shouldn't watch TV?! :)