I recently returned home from Europe. I went with my parents to Italy and France. It was a blast and I would blog the whole trip in one post, but I feel as though that might be too much reading so I will be sharing thoughts and memories as I go along with my blog. The first on that I would like to share has to do with the European Airline Easy Jet. Or in other words the worst airline. EVER! It goes like this...
We had been in Venice, Italy for one day and that night we had to catch a flight to Paris, France. When we get to the airport we go to check in and get our boarding passes and they said that we were not allowed to check in until 2 hours prior. Horse crap! So we stand in line for 12 years and we see that they have a very strict rule on how many pieces of luggage you can take on board. That number would be one. Not on roller and a purse, but if you had a purse that counted as your only carry on! So we start stuffing as much as we can into one piece of luggage so we only had to check one bag, but it cost 22 Euros which is roughly or was roughly $33 USD. Oh and to check a bag you you have to take it to a separate line then get back in the huge ass boarding pass line! Really...really..Alright so after we go through Italian security and getting to our gate we see that we are boarding group number 2 and we were pretty excited, because these guys board similar to southwest. There are no assigned seats it's first come first to get best seats, so yeah we were excited. So when we get to the gate we see a sign Group 1 is for speedy boarding. To get in group 1 you had to pay and extra 11 Euros which is around $17, no thanks and then group 2 was everyone else! Yeah they were going to make us fight to the death to get a good seat on this plane...Literally.So once everyone sees one person line up it was like a stampede of people running to the line up place, with pushing, shoving, and butting in line. Alright..this is where it gets good. We are standing in line pretty close to the front..thanks to me:) and Of course this POS airline is late. again. Then my mom says "what if the made us get one a bus first and then drove us to our plane." then she just laughed and so did I, because that is just ridiculous. Right? Wrong! like, literally 2 minutes later a bus pulls up and my mom and I just look at each other and roll our eyes. They are making us load on to a bus. Well after the load group 1 on the bus they start to do our group and this black guy just pushes his way through the line my mom and I both are like "What the hell is that guy doing?" We immediately try to block him. We finally get on the bus..like cattle and there are 17 doors not really like 6 so you don't know what door to go to...They drive us to the plane and they open ONE back door in the corner and everyone PUSHES their way their and I see this little toddler boy go down and he is screaming and crying and he is getting squished and trampled so I look for his parents and they are up by the freaking door without him so Desiree, me...pulls him out so he doesn't die and give him to his parents. While in the process of punching people out to catch up to my parents my foot got stepped on with a heel..i was in flipflops and this lady tried to keep me from getting to my parents but like putting her elbow in my throat, but I treat people the way the treat me..oops. After we finally got a seat I showed my mom my foot and it was SWOLLEN..like huge and I made plenty of comments about this crap hole airline..that probably are not appropriate for this blog, but the flight attendants came on and told us how this Airline is all about SAFETY! Bull shit! it is not! My foot got broken off and a little baby almost died. I'm surprised this plane landed at an airport and not a hospital. They are late, unorganized, unsafe, and they are Orange. Worst Airline. EVER.
Aquarium Fun
11 years ago
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