Tuesday, March 23, 2010


So I can't make this post very long because I might start saying extremely bad words, because I am so furious about the stupid Healthcare Reform...Tht won't do anything for this country! Right now I am pretty sure I like Hitler more than I like Obama..Serously. I'm pretty sure Lord Voldemort could make a better president, even though he is not real...still possible, but really. What does Obama and congress think that this new healthcare plan is going to do..besides raise taxes and take more money away from people to pay for people that can't. I realize that there are some legit people that can afford healtcare and other things...but you expect me to pay for everyone that can't ..even the ones who can't because they are drunks and are lazy and don't want to get off their ass untill they want to go to the doctor becuase their liver is failing from too much alochol or becuase they have a hangover and think that they are sick..That is a bunch of Horse Crap... Having universal healthcare..people will start going for every little cough or sniffle if they are getting free healthcare. What about the poor doctors..if you think about it when they have their taxes raised thy are basically paying those people to have a doctors appointment...seriously... There were much better ways to fix the healthcare than to just go universal, but Obama is Stupid as frick and just likes to do things like this instead of thinking about it....ok I'm about to start saying bad words. And just for the record Bush didn't do this so people who are trying to blame him..get the hell over it and admit that Obama made a mistake and is a mistake..seriously. Bush is gone..everything is on obama and what he said he was going to do which he hasn't done anything.

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