I bet you think that this post is going to be about Kangaroo's or something. Well, you're right. Nah..I'm totally kidding it's about my cute my Australian friend, Corey. I don't really know what I am suppose to be writing, but promised I would post something about him. Ummm...He has a sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet accent, like probably the coolest one ever. They say I have an accent, but that is ridiculous.When I say they I mean Corey and his brother Brody...haha Ummm right now he is sitting with his friend Sean..He made pancakes...Ohh yeah and Corey and Brody taught me how to say "Party" with their accent, but it is way more entertaining to hear them say it with an american accent. Umm... Corey is black sometimes...hahaha