Tuesday, April 26, 2011

3 Years Old...

I can't believe that my sweet BABY niece has turned 3! I do realize I am a few days late, but it's fine:) Yes, people my niece has turned 3! Where does the time go? It is crazy to hear about how much she has grown and when you can hear her in the backround when I call my sister. When I flew her out there, she was only 15 months old! now she is talking. I wish I could have watched her grow up more than I got to, but it was so fun to see her at Christmas and summer and see how much she has grown and changed. I remember the day she was born. I was praying my sister would have her before I would have to go back to school for my dance concert rehearsal! She did, no worries. My sister pulled through for me! Right before we left the room I told my sister you'll have her at 1:19, guess when she had her..That's right. 1:19 pm:)The first time I saw her Cody was holding her over in the corner and that's when they told us that they had decided to name her Kaylee! She was just so precious! and after being what? like a week or more late she was finally here! She was our little Kaysie Daysie! I miss the days of tending her. I am so excited for My sister, Cody and Kaylee to move back! You have NO IDEA! Even though they will be Utah County and not 30 seconds away like before I guess it's better than a 5 hour plane ride:) Anyway Happy Birthday Kaylee! I love you!

1 comment:

  1. Aw, that is the sweetest post ever! Isn't amazing how one little baby changed our family so much? :)
