Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Day Four

Day Four- What do you wear to bed?

Well it all depends. If it is hot, the less the better..Right? Sleeping hot is the worst..So I will probably only wear what I have to..Ya know. In the Winter..I'll wear what I have to and then maybe and over sized t-shirt. I like sleeping when it's cold. I can get more cozy in the covers and such. It's just an all around better sleep. mmhmm :)

Monday, August 29, 2011

Day 3

Day 3- What kind of person attracts you?

haha..Well this is a silly question. Obviously Husband.
Should I explain...
Husband is the kind of guy that is always honest, but so kind. He is funny and he laughs at my jokes. He is very family oriented and is going to be such a good dad someday. He has a lot of love for everyone and loves to help people, like he loves missionary work. He still does it. Which is great. He keeps promises, he spoils me. He is selfless, he is taller than me and very athletic. He's got some purrty eyes. He's just so darn cute. He is the best of everything all bundled up into one amazing guy, that I'm so blessed to call my husband. :)

Look at that stud. I.Love.Him.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Day Deux!

Well here is day 2!

Day two- How have you changed in the past 2 years?

Wow..Thinking back 2 years is harder than it sounds, 2 years isn't a long time, but long enough I'd say. Well...I'm married and I was ready to be married..I'd say 2 years ago I wasn't ready to be married even though everyone I knew was getting married. I've grown up a lot...I don't think I had that much to do, but I grew up more and became more aware of life I'd say. I have come to realize what is more important in life and what is not so important. I would say I'm not way different form what I was two years ago, but enough for the better. I mean my hair is longer than it was 2 years ago...Which is crazy....I usually always chop it off..I like change (usually) :)
I have also become a traveler ...I love it. Good things have definitely come from my travels. mmhmm....

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Day One!

Today is day one of thirty! I'm excited to start this little thing, I hope it is as much fun as it sounds...and looks?? haha welp..Here I go...

Day 1. Things you want to say to FIVE different people?...

Well, I guess the first person would be my husband. I want to (and I do) tell him that I absolutely adore him and love him with all my heart. That I am so glad he wanted to marry me and I am excited for our adventure together.

second person probably my sister I want to tell her that I love her and think that she should have another baby..haha, but no pressure or anything... :) Love you sister.

Third person(s) I am grouping my parents together. I hope they know I love them and am so thankful for them and their support through out my life!

fourth person(s) I'm grouping these 2 people together as well and it's Natalie and Jason Carlton, my mother and father in law. I would just tell them how great of people they are and that they are great examples and have raised a great family! Love you guys!

the fifth person would probably be obama. Stop pretending like you know anything about running a country. You are a political virgin, that cares nothing about our country. You are on vacation more than you are actually doing your job...probably because you don't know how to do your job. Do us all a favor and don't run for president again. You're a liar, a wuss, a democrat, and the worst president.

Well that is day one, but don't worry people these questions get good!..plus pictures come along with some of them!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Hello World!

Well hello! I know I have not been on this blog forever but I just wanted to post a few of my bridals and tell you that i have decided to do the 30 day challenge! for 30 days I get on here and tell secrets and share things that the question of the day will ask me!! It may not be that interesting, but I am just doing for my own sake so when I look back on this I can see what I use to like or not like and just see what I use to be about...So yeah Check back and find out about me.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Sneeky Peeky!!

Here is just a very small sneek peek of my wedding dress..well more like bridals since I got my dress at the last second, Elicia and I had a quick photo shoot, but no worries more to come..eventually..Someday!

PS..I get married in like 14 HOURS..Thats right..HOURS!!!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Let's update...

I'm sorry I have been slacking on this blog a bit, I've been posting more on my other blog so for more recent updates I would probably check that one. www.thecarltons2011.blogspot.com

Anyway, There really is not that much to update ya'll on. We have just been super busy with wedding plans and working and just figuring things out. Anthony's best friend, Creed came home from his mission on the 22nd of June and yesterday was the one year anniversary of when Anthony and I met in Good ol' Australia! I will be going to the temple this week and I am excited for that and I guess I can't lie, a bit nervous! There are only 12 days until the wedding and we are both so super excited! :)

Monday, June 20, 2011


Happy Fathers day to the BEST dad in the entire world! My dad! He really is so great! I love my dad very much and I am so thankful to have him in my life. He has always taken such good care of me and the rest of the family of course! I know it hasn't always been easy for him especially having a house full of girls even all of our dogs have been girls...haha and he had to go through raising two teenage girls, I honestly don't think I was that bad, but who knows haha. Anyway, My dad has always been so supportive. He was at every single one of my dance competitions and all my football and basketball games that I cheered at and just about anything that had to do with cheerleading he was at and he was always at my soccer games!He has just always taking care of me! Especially with my up coming wedding, he has told me many times that he wants to do all he can to make sure it is a very special day for me! I just want my dad to know that I am thankful for EVERYTHING he does for me and I love him with all my heart and I always will!! I love you daddy :)

Monday, June 13, 2011

Bridal Shower...

On Saturday, June 11th was my bridal shower and do I have a funny story for you! This bridal shower was down in fairview and it was the girls from Anthony's family and then some ward ladies and friends from down there, obviously. When it came time to open presents which I think is so awkward, I hate when people watch me open presents..haha. I don't know why, anyway the first present Livi gives me id from Shy and her mom, Kristie. The first thing I pull out of the nag is a Victorias Secret box..haha Yeah I bet you all know where this is going. I asked everyone if I should open it and they all say "Yes!" so I did and it's lovely lingerie..haha Yep, it was awesome. ok then I opened everything else which was all kitchen stuff! Which is greatly appreciated! :) but I just want to tell everyone the funny story...so the next day, Sunday when we all got home from church. Anthony,his family and me were all in the kitchen getting dinner ready when Livi his 11 year old sister says "Anthony! Guess what Shy and Kristie gave Desiree?..They gave here a cheeta print swim suit! Now we can all go swimming!" Everyone burst out laughing, it was so funny!! Oh bless her:) I wish I had pictures to post on here, but my mom has the camera with the pictures, perhaps later I shall post them...hmm :) I must add 27 Days!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Just a Little Preview...

Well here are just a few of our engagements. They were done by one of my best friends. Elicia and her photography is Elicia Launi Photography, she is pretty good! Also I guess I should inform you all that I am in the process of starting a blog for Anthony and I, you can have a little preview of it at www.thecarltons2011.blogspot.com It has one post so far on it and it also has an "Our Story" page. You just have to click that tab and it tells the story of how we met...it's more from my side, but still good...I will eventually get his side up there:)..eventually.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

21 Years Old...

I am now 21 years old! How crazy is that?! It's pretty crazy and also having my birthday marked one countdown off of our list! Which leaves..Creeds homecoming 13 days! my sister getting her butt back to Utah about 21 days and the wedding 31 days (counting today) haha There are just so many fun things to come this month and next month, I'm so excited! Today I get to see my dress, the whole way driving to Anthony's work I kept telling him how excited I am to see my dress and how excited I am for him to see me in, but not till the wedding!! He just laughed and said "you're so animated" haha:) Anyway, back to my birthday. Well I really got a birthday weekend cuz I have the best fiance and family in the world, seriously! It started on Friday when Anthony came to my house after work and had a few presents and cakes from him as well as his cousin, Lu and his sister Abby. I guess I should mention earlier that day I went to the doctor for a DOUBLE ear infection. Ouchy!! Anyway So I opened those and they were so great and my parents and Fiance sang happy birthday to me with Abby's cake..We'll call that cake #1 haha... Then on Saturday we celebrated with my parents and their cake to me the happy birthday song and all cake #2 and Anthony took me to lunch and then a movie, the hangover partII :) haha...Then we came back to my house and found that my parents got use furniture, nice furniture and I'm super excited about it! Then we went to dinner and then a Blaze game! Can I just say it made me super excited for football season! :) :) Then we went back to my house so we could grab his truck and headed down to his house! Can I just say his little sister are just so cute they made me signs saying "Happy Birthday Desiree" and on was even backwards..haha..so on sunday, my actual birthday, we went to church and had a little party afterwards with cake #3..haha it was a pretty great weekend and I'm just so lucky:) It's weird to think next year on my birthday that I will be married for almost a year! I am so super excited to see what this next year brings for us!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

So Many Countdowns!!...

There are three countdowns (it's really 4, but one of them I don't know the exact date) that Anthony and I are looking forward to in the next 38 days! The first one is in 5 days (if you don't count today) which is my BIRTHDAY! haha Ok so I am probably the only one out of the two of us that is excited for that, but none the less.. 5 days! the second is 22 days until Anthony's best friend Creed comes home from his mission, he also served in Australia just like Anthony except Anthony was in Melbourne and Creed is in Brisbane, but still a fun fact..Right? Anyway, It's quite precious how excited Anthony is to have Creed home. Yes Anthony..It's precious ;) and I am excited to meet Creed, I have heard a lot about him! The next countdown is for when my sister and her family move back to Utah!!! 2 years in North Caroline is enough. Time to come back! I don't exactly know the date, I only know that it is in June, but once I know I will start a real countdown for that! Ok now for the best countdown, which I am sure none of you will guess it. Its in 38 days! Anthony and I get married!! Woo! The next 38 days are going to be super fun and super crazy and super busy, but it will be awesome!! The picture above is also another little preview that my friend Elicia let me see! I just want to see them all! So cute.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Ten Days...

Time to start another countdown! 10 days until (drum roll) My birthday! Not counting today:) haha I will be 21..I can't believe I am moving into my twenties! I have to get my drivers license renewed and then I have to get it renewed again about month later to get my name changed on it..haha It will be a fun time! Even though there are only 10 days until my birthday. I am even more excited for the countdown until the wedding! I'm so excited to be a wife! I am excited to start this new adventure, it won't be just my life now. It will be OUR life. We get to learn and grow together and I couldn't be more excited! No worries people, I know that marriage has it's hard times especially in the start, being just a young couple figuring out their lives and trying to get them started, but I do believe that is an important part of marriage going through that time together and to build each others strength. I am excited to be able to be there for Anthony and support him and making sure that he knows no matter how his day goes or what happens he will ALWAYS come home to that support and heaps of love!:) He really is the best:)

Monday, May 23, 2011

Say Yes To The Dress...

Well people I have said "yes" to a dress, and I am extremely excited about it. I won't be able to get it until about mid June, maybe a little bit later so I'll be rushing to get some bridals done, but it will be good! It is such a relief that I can check one more thing off my list of "things to do" :)There is only 47 days until the wedding. How crazy is that? Suggestions for music are still welcome, just throwing that out there. I wish I could post a picture of the dress that I picked, but there is the possibility that Anthony might see it...I know...I know. the whole "he can't see you in your dress until the wedding" is way old school, but I think it's more fun, plus it will be a fun surprise..Hopefully. ha:) Well, if you can't tell I'm excited about my dress and obviously to get married. I'm such a lucky girl:)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Planning...and Things..

Wow! The last couple of weeks have been pretty busy with things to do for the wedding! It's been fun, I think I have been handling it well...It definitely makes me more and more excited as things come together. I would say so far we got most of it together and planned out there are just a few minor details that I'm sure will get worked out. At least we got the temple, I would say that is the most important thing. The whole rest of the day could go wrong or be a disaster, but at least I will still have gotten married to my sweet Fiance:) I think as of right now the most stressful thing is finding a dress! One reason, I like unique and another reason is our wedding is coming up fast and the limits my choicest quite a bit, but it's all good:) Also we are making or will be making a wedding playlist so if there are any suggestions feel free to inform me of these! In other news Anthony's parents and my parents all had dinner together...and it went really well. I think anyway. They got along and we got some of the planning and organizing done. Woo! This picture I posted is just a little, tiny preview of our engagements, but it's not edited or anything, but they'll be good!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Let The Countdown Begin!!

Alright, well to those of you who read this I am pretty sure you are aware of the fact that I am engaged! But if not...I'M ENGAGED! I'm so super excited! There is so much to do, but it will be so worth it! It is so crazy that I am going to have a new last name, that means I have changed all my names. First, middle and soon to be last! I should be a pro at this..haha Anyway. I will be getting married on July 9th in the Manti Temple! The same temple my sweet sister was married in. It will be fabulous:) I should probably get some pictures up here. I will...Eventually don't you even worry people!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

3 Years Old...

I can't believe that my sweet BABY niece has turned 3! I do realize I am a few days late, but it's fine:) Yes, people my niece has turned 3! Where does the time go? It is crazy to hear about how much she has grown and when you can hear her in the backround when I call my sister. When I flew her out there, she was only 15 months old! now she is talking. I wish I could have watched her grow up more than I got to, but it was so fun to see her at Christmas and summer and see how much she has grown and changed. I remember the day she was born. I was praying my sister would have her before I would have to go back to school for my dance concert rehearsal! She did, no worries. My sister pulled through for me! Right before we left the room I told my sister you'll have her at 1:19, guess when she had her..That's right. 1:19 pm:)The first time I saw her Cody was holding her over in the corner and that's when they told us that they had decided to name her Kaylee! She was just so precious! and after being what? like a week or more late she was finally here! She was our little Kaysie Daysie! I miss the days of tending her. I am so excited for My sister, Cody and Kaylee to move back! You have NO IDEA! Even though they will be Utah County and not 30 seconds away like before I guess it's better than a 5 hour plane ride:) Anyway Happy Birthday Kaylee! I love you!

Monday, April 4, 2011

April? Really?...Alright.

Well I feel like I always begin my blog with how I don't believe another month has gone by, which probably isn't a good thing. haha. My bad, but I am pretty sure no one reads this anyway so..yeah! Anyway, I really can not believe that it is April already! This year is cruising, but it has been so much fun! probably one of the best years so far! I am truly happy:)

Before I tell about my weekend, briefly I think everyone should look up the song "I won't let go" by Rascal Flatts. It's precious, Really:)I heard it on the way home from Orem this morning.. haha mmhmm:)

This last weekend was General Conference and I must say that it was a pretty good one. I went down with Anthony's family to his grandparents, who live in Kanosh. If you don't know where that is, it's alright I didn't either, but it was super fun. It was a good, good weekend. Plus the sun was shining on Saturday anyway! but hey, I will take it. It felt so good to go play in the sun! So I guess this means I must say it. I want summer now!! also on friday right before Anthony and I went down to Kanosh he invited me to his mission reunion which was fun. I know he was hoping there would be a better turn out, but I am sure they will get better. His mission president and his wife (president Lindley and sister Lindley) are probably the coolest couple ever. Sister Lindly is a doll! and super nice!

Well that was my weekend in a nutshell..haha Quite lovely:)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Keystone...

Alright ya'll, I found another quote that I got and put in my scriptures when I was in seminary! It's a good one. It definitely makes more sense to me now than it did back then, I guess you could say it means more to me now than it did back then. It's about the Book of Mormon and since I am now in the process of reading it, it seems fit to put this on my blog.

"There are three great reasons why Latter-day Saints should make the study of the Book of Mormon a lifetime pursuit...

"The first is that the Book of Mormon is the keystone of our religion. This was the Prophet Joseph Smith's statement. He testified that 'the Book of Mormon was the most correct of any book on earth, and the keystone of our religion.' A keystone is the central stone in an arch. It holds all the other stones in place, and if removed, the arch crumbles...

"The second great reason why we must make the Book of Mormon a center focus of study is that it was written for our day. The Nephites never had the book; neither did the Lamanites of ancient times. It was meant for us...

"The third reason why the Book of Mormon is of such value to the Latter-day Saints is given in the same statement by the Prophet Joseph Smith cited previously. He said, 'I told brethren that the Book of Mormon was the most correct of any book on earth, and the keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to God by abiding by it's precepts, than by any other book.' That is the third reason for studying the book. It helps us to draw nearer to God. Is there not something deep in our hearts that longs to draw nearer to God, to be more like Him in our daily walk, to feel His presence with us constantly? If so, then the Book of Mormon will help us do so more than any other book...

"It is not just that the Book of Mormon teaches us truth, though it indeed does that. It is not just that the Book of Mormon bears testimony of Christ, though it indeed does that, too. But there is something more. There is a power in the book which will begin to flow into your lives the moment you begin a serious study of the book. You will find greater power to resist temptation. You will find power to avoid deception. You will find the power to stay on the strait and narrow path. The scriptures are called 'the words of life(D&C 84:85)' and nowhere is that more true than it is in the Book of Mormon. When you begin to hunger and thirst after those words, you will find life in greater and greater abundance."

-President Ezra Taft Benson

Now, you can't tell me this quote doesn't make you want to go and read the BOM. It does, I know it does. Maybe you're like me...I never really had read it before cause it was hard to understand and I honestly didn't have that much knowledge of it or the scriptures in general, but honestly that doesn't matter as long as you are willing to learn and open your heart to what it has to say. You just need to have TRUE faith in the things that it does say and know that it is true. Just read it, I promise you have time. You won't regret it! :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Start With A Seed...

"Faith is both a principle and a process. It defines the path by which we build a relationship of trust with the Savior. In order for faith to develop, we must begin with a humble heart and a contrite spirit, have a strong desire to know the Lord, and then be obedient to gospel principles. In return, the Savior rewards the obedient with spiritual confirmations of their actions. As faith grows, our vision of eternity expands, which increases our capacity to meet life's challenges."

- Elder Merrill J. Bateman

Also see: Alma 32:16, 27-32

This is just a little quote I found that I think defines faith really well. There are a lot of definitions out there, but this one is my favorite. It not only defines it, but tells you what you need to have TRUE faith. Anyway, the scriptures that go with it make it that much better...but yeah. Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Madness and it is March...

Whoa! It is March everyone! Crazy! I can tell you that I am pretty excited about it. It means we are one step closer for it to be spring and then what? SUMMER!!! I am a summer baby. I love the sun! Also being March it brings...That's right, March Madness! :) Also it brings baseball, well at least spring training, but still I can feel it in the air. Baseball season:) Sports Center is starting to get pretty crazy or more intense I guess I should say..especially with all the recent trading that went on. I guess I must also say there is soon to be a very intense game on Duke vs. NC. If any of you watched the last one, then you know this one will be insane! Though both teams are very good, I will be rooting for Duke, ya know for my brother in law and sister:) Ah! I'm just so excited!!! Also in other news the school semester is half over! Holla!! :) Also, My sister and her family will be moving back to Utah this summer!! YAY! You have no idea how excited I am! I miss them dearly. I miss joking around with Cody and maybe teasing my sister a little bit, I miss being able to hang out with my sister and have our sisterly talks and all her great advice she has to give! I miss my sweet baby niece and pretending she is my baby, shhh..don't tell my sister ;)Sorry I do realize this is a lame post, but I just wanted to share my excitement about things March brings! Let The Games Begin!! :)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Quotes of the Weekend...

This last weekend I was down in Fairview. Shocking, I know. haha :) Well let me tell you that Anthony's 2 youngest sisters have quite the funny quotes for you this week. Lets start with his 9 year old sister Alexis. Well, I put Anthony on my shoulders and Alivia was asking how could I do that? and just couldn't believe it really and Alexis says "Duh, Livi, she's an Indian...They are strong!" haha I burst out laughing. Then later I walked outside barefoot in the snow to put my bag in the truck and Alivia says "You know there is snow outside right?" and and I say "Yep" and continue on walking in the snow and Alivia says "Isn't it cold?" and then you hear Alexis say "Livi, she's an Indian. They're always barefoot." hahahahahahaha So funny:) Ok and now for Alivia's quote of the weekend. I was sitting with his family and his mom asked if we could recognize a communist and Alivia says "Yeah, Obama." haha Oh bless...Funny stuff:)
As you can tell I had a great weekend:)and that is just like 1/700th of my weekend :) Really.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Desiree Lately...

Well ya'll know what happened on Valentines Day, but I've been away from my blog for a while and I would bet(actually probably not) that you want to know what I have been up to. You know the whole like 2 people who read this...haha Well..I guess I will do a brief over view and maybe add some pictures:) I know, I know..I rare treat on my blog and I'm sorry about that, but here it goes...

Hmm..Where to start? I just don't know. I've been up to what I usually am up to. The whole working and going to school. They call it living the dream or something like that. I guess I should add the last few weeks I have been spending quite a bit of time in Fairview. haha, but really I have been:) Why? Well, I shall tell you. Right now! That Missionary that I had met in Australia came home! Yeah, I forgot to tell you all that there are now 0 days until he home! He lives in Fairview. If you want to connect all the dots he is also the same guy in my Valentines day post. haha. So yeah. Life is good. Great. Grand. Awesome. at the moment:) So this post was suppose to be about me and what I have been up to lately and I guess thats what it is. Short. Simple. Sweet.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentines Day...

Hey ya'll! I know, I know I have been basically none existent for the last few weeks, but it's all good..I am back! Well, I realized the my last post about valentines day was pretty negative! I mean don't get me wrong my view on Valentines Day is still basically the same that it is kind of more of an obligation to be sweet and nice to your valentine, but when you have one it's kind of alright! This year..for like the first time. Ever. I had one! Aww..I know. Go Desiree! :) So yeah this is how it went

Well first of all Anthony and I had to go pick up his grandparents from the Airport. While there I got to visit with my mama for a second and we got pulled over...Not for speeding..no worries. The 5-0 was just extremely bored we figured. Anyway so we got his grandparents and took them back to American Fork and after that they took us to lunch. It was pretty fun and interesting to hear some of there stories and such. After lunch Anthony and I went to Wal-mart to look around until we had to meet up with some of his and now my friends:) for dinner. The friends we are meeting are Chris and Kylie, they are married and yeah. That night we go bowling and we all know how much Desiree loves bowling..haha ...:) Well their faces of them witnessing my AMAZING technique was hilarious:) Just for a little visual I chest pass it:) Apparently it sounds like a gun shot when it hits the floor..Ooops:) Yeah so our first game everyone does their best..except me cuz they were all trying to tech me how to bowl normally..doesn't work so the second game I just did me and the third game..yeah..we played 3 WHOLE games!! Anyway the third game we all kind of just goofed around and I got a strike by laying on my back and pushing it down the lane. It was pretty cool..just saying:) Anyway after we go to Chili's. Of course, where else right? Chris and Kylie told us their story of how they become to be and all that and it was a pretty intense story I'm not going to lie and there was a lady sitting on the opposite side of the wall who said the plants were fake, they are not! ha. Then after dinner we went back to Chris and Kylies and watched "Valentines Day!" haha it's pretty funny even though I fell asleep:) Oops..again:) and they let their little hamster run around in those little ball things and the whole movie it kept running into things and by the end it was making a rattling noise and Chiris says "You hear that rattling noise? well thats her poop rolling around in there!" haha I laughed so hard, I couldn't breath! I don't know why it was so funny, but it was:)So Anthony and I go to my house cuz there is no way he is driving home at 2 hours away at midnight..haha and when we get to my house there are flowers there waiting for me with a cute little teddy bear, named Precious:) It was quite precious:) haha Anyway that is my Valentines Day:)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Just call me Bob the Builder...

A couple days ago my friend Jacqueline and I were super handy! She bought a dresser and a couple new door knobs, originally she was going to wait for her step dad or one of her manly friends to come over and install them and build that dresser for her, but what happens when Jacqueline and Desiree are just sitting there with nothing to do? That's right, we attempt to do the impossible. We got screwdrivers and hammers and lots of other gadgets and proceeded to build!! We even ended up fixing her door cuz it was loose and made weird noises. We started with her door knob. Pulled the old one out and put the new one in and after we just felt so darn good about ourselves that we looked at the dresser (in the box) and decided we were going to build it. After we dump out all the pieces plus all 7 million screws and cams and other things we though we were in way over our head, but we did it!! We built it and built it well!, putting together the drawers were probably the most difficult part, but whatever..we felt really cool! Oh and by the way Only like 3 days!! WOOOO!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

New Semester...

The first week of the new semester is over! Yay! Just a little run down on what happened. All in all, I really like my classes! My Native American class That is all about the Native americans is probably my favorite! On the first day a big white guy walked in haha apparently we all had surprised looks on our faces cuz the first thing he said was "to answer your first question, it's yes! Yes I am Native American. 1/8 to be exact!" haha I laughed to my self because that is basically nothin and because not many or any tribes would even recognize him. Anyway it's a cool class. Then on the first morning of my weight lifting class, I walk in and there are 26 people in the class. 25 boys. 1 girl. Me. I am the ONLY girl in my weight lifting class. It's not that fun, the teacher treats me like I can't do anything. He told me to do GIRL PUSH-UPS! GIRL ones..Ew!! No way, Jose. I will compete with boys. I will! All in all it was a good first week I'd say! Only 16 more weeks. Boo!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

For Rod Flanagan

The Flanagans! (Sorry Chelsey, I stole this from you)

The Flanagan's are my second family. My Australia family. I love them all very much. They all have a special place in my heart. They took me in as one of their own. It saddens me to say that the afternoon or January 9, 2011 Rod Flanagan passed away. I don't really know what to say. He was an amazing husband, father, hero and friend. He will be missed, but never forgotten and always loved and forever in our hearts.Living on through memories.He was so sweet and looked for the beauty in every aspect of life. I never once heard him complain about being sick or being in pain. He was just an all around lovely person.It makes me think that how can something so heartbreaking happen to such an amazing family, but I know God doesn't give us trials we can't handle and will never leave us empty handed. Though this is one of the hardest trials anyone anywhere goes through, I know the Flangans will get through it. They have so much strength as individuals and as a family.Rod is no longer in pain, but in peace.The pain is great and our hearts are heavy. I know there is not a lot anybody can say right now to ease the pain, but know ya'll (sorry Corey, I know you hate when I say that) are loved. Love you Wendy, Corey, Chelsey, Brody, Hayley and Rod! I'm sending you all my prayers, thoughts, love and support!xxx

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Christmas. Oh Ten...

Well, I decided that I should probably report about my Christmas. It was great! I love the Christmas season! For many reasons like:
1. Family- I get to see my sister and bro-in-law and baby niece, who sadly, is not a baby anymore. She has gone into her toddler years..

2. I can watch the Grinch! The one with Jim Carrey! I know, I can watch it all year long, but really I can't. That movie is great. I look forward to watching it every year!

3. I don't feel as bad when I don't make it to the gym. I'm terrible. Oops!

4. I hate shopping, but you gotta love a sale. Right? Well there are plenty of them! Sales are good, well not really, but they are.

5. $100 tips. That's right I got $100 tip..It was actually 2 weeks after Christmas, but whatever. I liked it alot!

6. Temple Square. I love it. I'll admit I hate going and seeing all the cute love birds holding hands and enjoying the lights and I'm by myself or with one of my friends that is a girl. Anyway. I love the lights and the peaceful atmosphere of that place.

7. No School! Winter break is one of the most needed breaks. EVER.

Ok. Well that is just a few of the MANY reasons why I love Christmas time! Anyway. This year was so fun. My niece was so funny. We all thought she would have more fun with Christmas this year, but she didn't she would just cry and then throw the present. She definitely has a mind of her own. I loved getting to hang out with my sister! We're 5 years apart, but she is my best friend and I can't wait for them to get to move closer. I also got a lovely call That was the best! :)Definitely made me more anxious though. No worries! I also WON and ugly sweater contest at work. I made my sweater with a bird on the shoulder. It was GREAT. Yes, I had to serve like that and then eat in public with my family like that. Pictures will be posted. Yep, Awesome Christmas! Like always!

Countdown Time!

I hate to do it, but I gotta. I am going to start a countdown. 18 days!! For reals. Alright, how many of you know what I am counting down for? It's for the missionary that I met while in the Outback aka Australia! Yeah, he comes home in 18 days! Is that crazy? or what? I am going to go with..Yes! it is incredibly crazy! I was reading over one of his earlier letters actually a few of them and one talks about how he'll bee home in 6 months and another says "I only have 16 weeks left!" 16 weeks! That is a long time. That's like a semester of school..Gag. Back then (14 weeks ago) 16 weeks sounded pretty good. I know I know...I have to wait to see how things go, but a girl can dream. Right? haha Please bless he doesn't read this or he is going to think I am a crazy person. haha Anyway 18 days. Woo!!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


This morning I went to the gym to meet up with Kenton (personal trainer) and the first thing he says "Today is going to be a fun day! Are you ready?" Alright well the first thing that you should always know when a trainer says that to you is that he means it is going to be FUN for HIM. There is going to be major torture involved. For reals. He begins to tell me that once a month he has a competition between all of his clients which is around 100 people and it is to see who can move the most weight in 20 minutes by doing dead lifts, chest presses and full body cleans!! I wanted to start crying, this is only like my 4th time with him and I really thought I was going to die, but my arms are still attached! Anyway at the end you take the weight you lifted and how many reps you did and add it together to get how much weight you moved the entire 20 minutes. I ended up moving 14,000 pounds! and said I was in the top 10 for men and women! I am a little disappointed that I was number one, but he said that is amazing for the first time being in the competition. Oh well I'll be number 1 next month! in womens anyway:)